Monday, April 20, 2009

Too Good For You


HELLO ALL! heres the deal. we did the phantom with jc and omg she gave us a 4. i dint mind cause we dint do our best but oh shit she said we were stuck up. felt like hitting her. damn piss. it was totally uncalled for. what fool. so she went out then we went changed and eveybody emo-ed, kal actually cried. she started telling us stuff thats been bugging her so as the good fren that i am ^_^ i started saying this is now a support group and i was being all supporty then i had this idea called the Stuck Up Society United (SUSU) . the deal is people who ARENT stuck up can join. brilliant no? haha. we all damn semangated saying doing shirts and all. everybody ending up going overboard. so after emo session, we played arm wrestling of corse i totally lose. alya loser! anyhow, the guys were making it interesting by putting liquid paper on the table so who kalah will duh kene. then somehow KAL GO TOUCH IT. omg fucking funny. it was an accident and she was oh shit oh shit fuck fuck. too funny for words. i even spread a rumor that jc's gay. dont think people believe it though.

that was yesterday. today we had the first eva SUSU meeting. it was hilarious. everyone was hyper and heres what we came up with

alya and kal - royalty a.k.a. creators
ruth - princess margarita a.k.a. royal dog
ooi - teenage mutant ninja turtle a.k.a. security
shyam - fish a.k.a. rubiks experto
kong - jester a.k.a. the guy who makes people laugh till they shit
tommy - slave a.k.a. the guy who does everything
philip - slave's ass a.k.a. asisstant slave
kiernan - korean mushroom a.k.a. royal plant
p.s. royal dog feeds on royal plant

it was shit. everybody screaming and all. after the meeting had jc's class. dramatic music please. got scolded haha. nothing new there. ruth and i always kene. huh whatevs. anyway, after rehat i went for olahraga. damn fun played in the mud and all. when suddenly theres this guy thats been kacauing me slam into me from behind and i actually slam onto the ground. fucking great. NOT. i was piss at the guy and he was all sorry sorry tak sengaja. i was like whatever. not gonna talk to him ever again. anyways, continuing, now im updating my bloggie while doing homework so thats all for now lates gates.

p.s. good luck 4 choir. yall do awesome!

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