Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Brain Dead


who wants to do this surv.

1.Where did you take your profile pic?
me ugly room

2.What exactly are you wearing right now?
shirt and shorts

3.What is your current problem?
hot guy drought ^_^ , no la. its maths. totally maths

4.What makes you happy most?
books, tv, music. lots of those

5.What's the name of the song that you're listening to?
feel this - hayley james scott (yes i blame you ruth)

7.Name someone with the same birthday as you?
dont know. mines too awesome haha

8.Ever sang in front of a large audience?
ahh, no. i dont sing. period.

9.Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
who goes around saying that?

10.Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows?
who doesnt?

11. Do you speak any languages?
english, malay, mandarin.

12. Has anyone you've been close with passed away?
none recently. and thats not going to change anytime soon

13.Do you ever watch MTV?
again, who doesnt?

14.What's something that really annoys you?
i annoy people.

Chapter 1:
1.Middle name:
the fucktard.


3.Current location:
my room.

4.Eye color:
muddy brown

Chapter 2:

1.Do you live with your parents:

2.Do you get along with your parents?
okay la with mum but argue a LOT with my dad.

3.Do you have any Siblings?:
One younger annoying brother

Chapter 3: Favorites
1. Ice Cream:
strawbs all the way

2. Season:
autumn, but we havent got one of those in m'sia

3. Shampoo/conditioner:
who has time to condition?

Chapter 4: Do You..
1.Dance in the shower?
haha, is this a trick question?

2.Do you write on your hand?
not really. i prefer writing on walls

3. Call people back:
if i know and care enough bout em. it might be something important no?

4. Believe in love:
got to. closest thing we got to magic 0_0

5. Any bad habits?
high fiving people

7. Any mental health issues?
being blur. does that count?

Chapter 5: Have You..
1. Broken a bone:
neva. haha

2.Sprained stuff:
totally. its like impossible not to when u play sports.

3.Had physical therapy:
does masages count?

4. Gotten stitches:

5.Taken painkillers:
what kind of question is this? are u telling me theres a person who never had painkillers? bullshit.

6. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling:
i wish i have but i'll make it soon.

7.Been stung by a bee:
dont plan to

8. Thrown up at the dentist:
oh yeah. she keep poking her finger at wrong points of me mouth

9. Sworn in front of your parents:
haha, mums cool with it but whoa dad, i said damn he gave me D DEATH LOOK

10. Had detention:

11. Been called a Player/ Hoe:
not recently but i call people that though

Chapter 6: Who/What was the last

transformers 2. its too awesome too miss

2.Three people to text you:
tommy, naresha and ruth. i think.

3. Person you called:
kalpana banana

4.Person you hugged:
yingo yingo

5.Person you tickled?
nigel choy

6. Person you talked to on Msn?
amir i think

7.Thing you touched?

8. Thing you ate?
glucose powder

9. Thing you drank?

10.Thing you said:
i love me. haha. only kal do that. think it was aww bye bye

p.s. kal forced me to do this.

1 comment:

Amir Feriz Tan said...

which amir?have to knw;)