Thursday, December 17, 2009

Roll Up Your Sleeves And Get To Work

hello ole dead blog. i've been lazy to be honest and my life is dead boring these days. im actually living in a routine like manner. heres what my tues-fri looks like

8 - basketball / olahraga training
11 - eat / balik
12 - take bath
12.30 - sleep
7 - wake up to my brother's banter for dinner or etc.
8 - eat
9 - watch tv
1/2/3 - roll round in bed

usually i read before i sleep. and omg, i read truly madly yours. oh shit, i cried like hell. idk whats wrong with me. i think because im very sleep deprived. oh and have i mentioned im staying at my dads for 2 weeks cause i wanna blik kampung at christmas? so YEA.

today, i surprised myself by sleeping at 6 in the morning. and finished the book of tomorrow (which is also sad and happy and awesome. no surprise there since its cecelia ahern's) and ran a full round for 7 minutes (i dont know how that happened. i think cause some creepy person was like asking me a question so i just upped and chow.) anywho, when everyone balik-ed i was alone and there was the football team. and i have no mood for their rowdy behaviour so i had to wait at the bus stop at sktm2. geee, thanks. a lot. oh and i saw an old fren of mine. the years has done him justice haha

when i head home, my grams stopped by giant. tip, dont get the roasted chicken. tasted like baby barf. i am being strictly serious. or the nestea cause that too taste like shit. but get the cotton candy cause its goooood :P

anyway, woke up at 7+ and ate fried rice for din din. watched tv, read me boook and blog.

i watched jamie's road trip and i still dont get why theres such a thing as racism. i shud meet one and i asked wtf is going through their head. i mean, there was a couple of boozers who said the N word on live tv. i mean, cmon you people are boozers and still think ur better than everyone from another race? like do they have some mental disability or somethin? cause i really dont get it. honestly it's completely effed up retarded.

anywho, on a lighter note, got bball tomorrow :) i hope got passing layup. its so much funner than normal ones :D

it's 215 am and my eyeball hurts. tata.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

new layout eh? ^^
dont u wanna do sumting bout ur header?